两间房子都区域都靠近 Mater Hill bus station ,Park Road Train Station ,还有 Boggo Raod Bus Station
These two houses are located next to Mater Hill bus station and Park Road train station and Boggo Road Bus Station.
You can find out many bus station to UQ or QUT even city, you dont have to travel far away to get a bus.
家旁边就有蔬菜杂货摊(想买蔬菜水果咖啡牛奶等都可以在此购买) ,韩国超市,澳洲杂货店,酒吧,韩国餐厅,越南餐厅等。
There are vegetable shop (they sell fruit,vege,milk,cookies etc), korean market, Aus market, Bar, korean restaurants, viet restaurants etc
just next to our houses.
Both houses are new decoration , so the interior is not old.
The rental included electricity,water,gas and internet fee.
1號房目前有: 两间浴室 TPG网路
House one : Two toilets Tpg internet
单人房 (3间) :160-170/週 (2间) 已出租
Single Room (3) :two room will be available 160-170/Week. UNAVAIABLE
双人房 (1间) :$240/週 以出租
Double Room (1) 240 per week UNAVAILABLE
背包客房 : $135/週
Backpacker: $135/week
2 號房目前有: 两间浴室 EXTEL光纤网路 户外式停车 大厨房
House two: Two toilets , Ectel fibre internet , outdoor parking space
单人房 (3间) : 170/週 已出租
Single Room (3):170/w UNAVAILABLE
双人房 (2间) : 250-260/週 (一间即将在2015年6月中旬开放)
Double room (2) :250-260/w (one will be available on Mid of June 2015)
This house is bigger than the house one.
假如需要约看房请 line我或电话联繫我,我可以接待你们来看房。 此两房地点都在一起,非常方便。QUT跟UQ学生更佳。对於需要方便交通的人也是方常适合。
If you are interesting to inspect the houses, please feel free to contact me by line , texting or call, I can
come over and pick you up. These houses are perfect for UQ or QUT students also for people who need easy transport location.
Wechat: ediosta
电话Mobile: 0437482333
我叫Matthew 谢谢
My name is Matthew Thank you.