發表於 2014-4-27 19:09:44
Hi, after 11months of travelling around Australia, i do need to sell my Ford Falcon from 2003. It′s a Stationwagon and perfect for travelling. I built a bed inside, with a lot of storage room under it. It′s like a Van, just younger and with a better engine . I′m just the second owner and the first traveller with this car. It got always serviced and is in a perfect condition (last service on 11.4.2014 at a Ford service station in Sydney). The car has a full servicehistory and i still have all reciepts.
The car has a roobar, towbar, roof racks, cruise control, aircon, CD & Radio player, a new battery, good tyres, USB Charger, a kitchen and a bedroom .
The car also includes snorkel and campinggear:
Gascooker, Tent, Chairs, Pots, Pans, Wok, Knifes, Spoons, Forks, Plates, Gasbottle′s, 2 Sleeping Bags, Blankets, around 10 Towels, 1 Shisha, Pillow′s, and a lot more... .
The car also comes with a Western Australia Registration, which is the best available Registration which you can get here in Australia.
[Why? Because it′s cheaper than the other ones (like NSW or Queensland for example) and it′s easier with changing the ownership. You can change the owner from that car in every part of Australia, if you have any of the other Registrations (Number plates), than you and the seller need to be in person in this place - like Queensland if it is a Queensland REGO!. So if you want to travel and you not gonna end your jouney on the same place where you started, than you need a Western Australia Registration .]
The price is negotiable. Pleas give me a call or sms if you are interested.
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